Tel: No. 0330 6781155
Complaints Procedure
Who Can Complain?
Anyone who has dealings with The Gait Lab in any capacity may make a complaint. If you are unable to complain for yourself then a relative or close friend may complain for you. In this case, your written consent will normally be required
Timescales for making a complaint:
It is important you make your complaint as soon as possible after the date of the event that you wish to complain about. Letters of complaint should be received within twelve months of the event or within twelve months of you realising that you have something to complain about. These time limits may be waived if there are good reasons why you did not complain earlier. However, the longer the delay between the event and the complaint being made the more difficult it becomes to secure a satisfactory reply.
To Whom Do I Complain?
In the first instance complaints should ideally be in writing via email to sophieroberts@thegaitlab.co.uk or addressed to Sophie Roberts, The Gait Lab, Parkside Hospital, 53 Parkside, London SW19 5NX. Please ensure that your complaint is detailed so that we can investigate fully for you.
How long will it take?
Your complaint should be acknowledged within three working days. A full response will be sent within 10 working days. Many complaints will be resolved quickly and easily within a matter of days. However, if the complaint is more complex the process can take some weeks to sort out. If you have a complaint that takes a while to be resolved, you will be kept informed of its progress.
What should my complain include:
What or who you are complaining about
What happened and when
What you would like to be done to resolve your complaint
Your contact details